The novelty of these solutions is essentially that Artificial Intelligence (AI) places items in the video content that were not there before. These are generated by an AI software – not by a human. For example, the face of a person appearing in a video is replaced by another person’s face.
Well the really new thing is that this technology can now be used in a live streaming system, i.e. the faces of the chat partners can be replaced even in a live video. Until now, this seemed extremely difficult because of the huge server capacity demand, but the rapid development of AI has resolved this problem as well.
In the video below, you can follow the transformation of the live video, using artificial intelligence. The first frame is a 2D image of Barack Obama’s face; the second is a video of an actor with similar facial proportions to that of Obama. The third frame shows the movement that AI understands from this, the fourth is the 3D surface that is used by the AI based on the image. The fifth is the finished result, an Obama interview that has never really happened (thanks for the video for Hao Li and and his company, Pinscreen).
Obviously, most of us get concerned about this technology seeing it the first time because it is a big question how we can now determine who we see in a video or who is sitting on the other side of a live video chat. Given that this technology is currently in the process of development, there are no solutions to these concerns for the time being. And as I have said in my presentation, any such solution would require an unprecedented degree of self-regulation and cooperation between technology companies and lawmakers.
Closing this entry on a high note, I present three possible uses of the technology – now focusing on the wider use of AI, besides face replacement –, which will make our life easier:
Live streaming has now replaced the traditional download process in the minds of many consumers, and that has far reaching impacts on marketing which go beyond the way music or movies are purchased.