Book Recommendation for the Long Weekend
How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg.

Few years ago I read the book How Google Works by Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google and Jonathan Rosenberg, former Senior Vice President of Products at Google. Even though the book was published in 2014, which is old in technology terms, some of the ideas in the book about building teams and companies will stand the test of time. I would even go so far as to say that this book is a “must read” for anyone who considers themselves an entrepreneur or who wants to expand their own business by cultivating a corporate culture of success in ways that are scalable across an entire team.

The personal anecdotes and stories from Schmidt about the beginnings of Google are thought provoking. It really gives you a window into what led to the development of what is arguably one of the most important companies of both the last century and this century. Sure, now Google’s products are a force that we might find it difficult to live without, but in the beginning things were quite different. It was so interesting to read the stories of how things came to be in the company during the time when things were just starting to heat up in the industry.

The idea of “smart creatives” is one I find particularly poignant for small business owners and start-ups. A “smart creative” is the type of person that Google wants to hire, and they are people who can not only think independently but also act independently to reach their goals. They are people who are excited about knowing as much as possible about their field, and have a mind for more than one topic are the kind of people who can see connections between technology, product creation and business success. They have the drive to go the extra mile to reach their goals.

After reading this portion, I realized that is the kind of person I want to collaborate with.

I love working with people who can see the whole big picture and are able to drive themselves to the success they see for themselves. Those are also qualities we must all aspire to, and since finding this description of the “smart creative,” I have found a greater degree of clarity on the topic, one that is benefiting me and should also benefit you after reading this very solid business focused book.
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