The WYSIWIS Experience
One of the acronyms that stuck in my memory from my early computing lessons is WYSIWYG – “What You See Is What You Get” – means that our display shows something very similar to the printed results.

The first time I have seen a Snapchat Spectacles video this acronym came in my mind, “What You See Is What I see” – the WYSIWIS experience. And this is what amazed me from the first moment: I can make you see, what I see!

Catalina arriving to a meeting at the SLS Bucharest office:

I truly believe that any tech insights should be judged by the user experience. Can I imagine to use this technology? YES, the Spectacles are actually a pair of cool sunglasses apparently equipped with a camera. Do I feel comfortable using the technology? YES, with one push I can take pictures or record videos what are exported to my Snapchat account immediately. Does the technology have any added value to my life? YES, I can capture and share experiences, what I could never do before.

Slicing the first watermelon of the season:

Imagine a cooking show, where instead of looking at the cook you can see with his eyes how to create the food. Or a travel documentary where you can actually see what the place really looks for a tourist. Amazing, isn’t it? While VR is a great piece of technology it is definitely not ready for a commercial use. Wearables like Snapchat Spectacles are cool and totally worth the investment.

Well, here is my gadget tip for the Summer holidays! 🙂

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