How To Type 2x Faster On Mobile?
Upon the advice of my friend, after 7 years I left iPhone behind and changed to Samsung S8. The change was smooth (I hope this gives strength for all the iPhone users who got disappointed after yesterday’s “Special Event”) without the smallest hiccup.

S8 was a pleasant surprise for many reasons, and packed with many features that Apple announced now as “revolutionary”.

Upon the advice of my friend, after 7 years I left iPhone behind and changed to Samsung S8. The change was smooth (I hope this gives strength for all the iPhone users who got disappointed after yesterday’s “Special Event”) without the smallest hiccup. S8 was a pleasant surprise for many reasons, and packed with many features that Apple announced now as “revolutionary”.

But I needed a month to realise the real value of what S8 and Android/Google can offer. Few days ago, while we have been out in a great Chinese restaurant, the same friend asked me if I already do “swipe” S8? Well, I did not even know what it is. As it turned out “swiping” means that you start at the first letter of your word, then whip your finger around, getting near the other letters that form the word – and so on. Then comes the magic: the words you meant to swipe just appears correctly! Let me show you how it works:

What’s great, is that you don’t have to hit each letter exactly, the keyboard is intuiting what words you’re trying to use. In my case this meant like being able to compose messages two times faster than by typing them. And this all is possible due to Google’s major efforts in the field of artificial intelligence. Honestly, I did not understand many of the revolutionary developments Apple announced yesterday – and I’m sure many of the fellow consumers did not either. But sure, I do understand if I can do messages 2 times faster on my mobile.

Hardware developments are getting less impressive lately, but the previous developments opened the door for software solutions that were not possible before. And this is where I see Google having a huge advantage ahead of its competitors. This is the best new development I have seen for a while, and recommend you give it a try. You can download the Google GBoard keyboard from Google Play and taste a bit of artificial intelligence!

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